Simple Gongdaobei

A Gongdaobei is a small pitcher that can be used to pour the tea easily in the cups. This simple gongdaobei is factory made in glass, allowing you to see the brewed tea colour. Holds up to 160ml measured just under the spout.

This item together with our simple tea set provides all the basic tools needed to brew tea. For more information on the how to brew tea refer to our guides.


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Height 9.5cm circa. Top diameter 7cm circa


Gong Dao Bei literally means "fairness cup" as Gong Dao 公道 literally means "fair, just" and Bei 杯 simply means "cup".
The reasoning behind this name is that by pouring the tea from the brewing vessel into the gongdaobei it will even out making every cup taste the same as the first and last tea to come out of the pot will have a different strength. It is sometimes also called Cha Hai.